Friday, October 31, 2008
It is a good idea .However, there are a lot of companies doing like this service. Syncplicity is a good place for your business or acdemic.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What's it like to work for an online campus?
The very hot online university "The university of phoenix". they offers higher IT salaries than other institutions. it's amazing . Wow. This university supports about 330,000 students worldwide, the software is high-quality and cutting-edge."we invest heavily in our technology because we have to for our scale and for what we are maintaining from a reliability and secruity standpoint,"
As we know,online educations is very hot right now. we can also say that it is e-learning era. You can get anything from Internet even your PHD degree.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What would Dr. Seuss say about online communities
I love it so i share with you.
Monday, October 27, 2008
NSBA T+L Conference
I'm headed to Seattle for the National School Boards Association (NSBA) annual Technology and Learning Conference. I'm looking forward to meeting educators from across the country who are coming to Seattle for practical and innovative solutions to using technology in the classroom.
IQity Supports T+L Conference
IQity is a Platinum Sponsor of the T+L Conference and will be hosting an exciting special event on Wednesday evening. We'll be going to the Experience Music Project, a unique Seattle venue dedicated to the exploration of creativity and innovation in popular music. Interactive displays and the opportunity to see cutting-edge technology will be paired with a live band, dancing and refreshments, so conference attendees can mix networking and fun.
If you'll be at the conference, don't miss the party, and be sure to ask me how IQity can bring technology and learning to your school.
Learning Management Systems to Learning Content Management Systems
What is Learning Management Systems (LMS)? Your school's Moodel is kind of LMS. School wants to control access to the courseware and track data such as the your ID,the level of usage, and the PDF files. The LMS also help teachers have more control over the contexts. According to Johnson & Hall (2007),The specific features and funcions of an LMS vary considerably from one system to another but generally they offer the following:
1. Administrative functions: these include course setup, learner registration, course assignment and reporting of the learner's progress by tracking data such as scores on tests or quizzes, the time spent in courses, and the completion status of each course.
2. Learner interface: permitting learners to log in to the LMS using a personal ID with or without a password and receive access to the e-learning context via a personalized menu of their assigned courses. usually they can also monitor their own progress by viewing test scores, completion status on courses and topics,and so on.
3.Sequencing:LMSs are also responsible for sequencng learner access to lessons within courses ,such as allowing learners access lessons in any order or forcing them to access the lessons in a predetermined sequence.
Moodle is a good example to explain to you guys. Moodle can collect data about your usageand courses. As you can see, usage data has included the number learners registered for a course, how many learners are online etc....
By the way, The learning content management systems (LCMSs) is also very popular recelntly development. According to Johnson & Hall (2007)," LCMSs exploits the wider use of standard-compliant learning objects to add a further level of functionality to LMSs" The systems are designed to meet the following requirements:
1. Generate unique descriptions for each learning object.
2. Discover (Search for and locate )the required learning object.
3. Provide multiple hierarchies for storing and organizing learning objects.
4. Facilitate the assembly of complex course structures.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Learn Trends 2008 - Free : eLearning Technology
I would like to go . I hope i can see you guys over there.
Learn Trends 2008 - Free : eLearning Technology
Friday, October 24, 2008
Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). We may call "Knowledge discovery" which aims at finding interesting regularities,patterns, and concepts in data. IGOABROAD has the same as system. we are using different statistical and heuristic techniques called data mining techniques. Knowledge discovery has bee applied in academic research. For example, When i design IGOABROAD, i predicted workds on student's success,errors,or help requsts are: predicting the time spent insolving an exercise task by using networks and predicting in which word the student asks help in reading English.
Accroding to Salazar & Vergara's paper, The process of knowledge discovery covered the following stages:
- Building a reliable data warehouse, by filtering data inconsistencies, solving data heterogeneity problems,and processing data.
- Obtaining and interpreting patterns of the student behaviour in eLearning activities by using independent component analysis, neural networks, and linear regression analysis.
- obtaining homogeneous data groups by applying clustering processing and selecting data groups,sorted out by research topics,for the definition of decision rules.
- Applying a knowledge representation on selected groups using decision trees to obtain the decision rules of the factors that influence on academic achievement success and failure.
- Evaluating knowledge findings by experts,from the point of view of their validity,novelty, and simplicity.
- outlining strategies for the improvement of academic processes.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
web 2.0 and technology quality
what do you think ? students need well done resource environment for their learnings. Being teachers, it always support materials to students when it is availabe. students also need groupware tools, such as shared workspaces, tools for document version control,and feedback.These tools can allow students to manage their own job at the same time to make work ready for their assessment acccessible.The peers can review it. They also need tools to manage their shared files and for different forms of information. Learners need skills in web environment in terms of presentation design and user interface considerations. for example, students need to understand it. teachers can access to certain areas of the institutional course-management system so it will be more group working than course -presentation environment.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Please welcome join IGOABROAD'S FACEBOOK. Our service will open within 10 days. please welcome to be tutors in our online tutoring service.
IGOABROAD provides community and answers to textbook problems such as Math, Chemistry, Science, and Engineering –We are oriented around particular college texts without the direct involvement of the publisher. It can enhance learning by giving instructors more control over content, and by learning the powerful of social learning networks around Textbook problems.
Some of the things you should know on IGOABROAD
- Its texts with low-priced study aids
- Redeem your cash back
- interactive practice quizzes
- to get help on specific textbook problems
- to ask questions that are answered by experts.
- Download or upload the original PowerPoint / Pdf file / all legal documents

How can we combine learning activities when we design eLearning? Most eLearning lessons today have organized as the classic tutorial so i think single learning activities are not enough for revolutionary learning.As we know, when we design elearning we should know what do we want to teach? will we teach difficult concept or procedure. For example , if i want to teach chemistry how to obtain approval from experts committee for a historic neighborhood, the first activity may ask learners to read the assignment for the will be our first step for a complex activity. we may use video or MP3, we encourage learners to involve first.Second, the collaborative activity can use social networking site such as LinkedIn. learners can ask questions of an expert on the procedure of obtaining the necessary permits. Learners may get help in this activity.
Third Learners should simulate the meeting of the experts. the meeting should follow a cycle of activities, the first of which is analyzing the opinions of others.
Forth, learners may read materials and try to develop arguments to share their opinions to other students. they may also write responses to those opinions. students can get more discussion which would require more analysis and than starting another cycle of analysis, research, and communication.
Fifth, The next step is to create learning activities to provoke these planned learning experiences. For example, create in Microsoft PowerPoint and convert for web delivery using Adobe Breeze Presenter.
This process came from Horton. i am using his works to design my own projects.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Eric Schmidt, Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0
Nobody can tell what is 3.0? do you know?
I hope it helps
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Use the web as a source of material">
what is research activities?
Research activities teach learners to analyze and report on information becuase research activities include a lot of information,research could qualify as an absorb activity and research activities require performing actions to connect information. i am trying to connect activities because the most important is to conect learners with the universe of knowledge on which they must draw to lead successful lives.
There are two types research activities: research is part of other types of activities such as readings or discovery activities.
(1) Scavenger hunts:"challenge learners to identify reliable sources of information to answer questions and enable tasks."
(2) In guided research:"learners consult various sources of information and opinions on a topic and then summarize their findings.
Morover, these two research activities have different purposes. Scavenger hunts teach learners to find good sources of information, whereas guided research teaches learners to draw conclusions from infromation.
is there anything left?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Asynchronous Online Discussion Forums...
IGOABROAD.COM provides a service of Asynchronous online discussion forums for high school and college students. Do you use discussion forum?
I hope the "Discussion forums" can bring an "outside" voice into our classroom, you know students can get benefits from another member's knowledge and experience with the subject matter. another benefit is that it is working for community college course.
Students who would like to join forums. They need to have an user ID and password to login. Once they entered the discussion forum page, students also can design their own personal site. Discussion Forums give students the opportunity to be introduced to the guest with some biographical information available.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
E-learning by Design...
I have a question? when you deisn E-learning course, how do you introduce the topic?
do we need an introduction? a well done introducion will help learner see how th topic relates to other topics and it will see all courses information. In my experiences, a good introduction can be
(1)we may need more motivation for our students
(2)to tell our learners who you are in the right places. learners need to go to right topic. it gives them enough information to inform them whether to continue with the topic
(3) teachers set the context for the rest of the content of the topic.
(4)learners can preview context
is there anything left?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Informal learning...
The concept of informal learning includes learning throughout life n the day-to-da processes at any time. For example, at home or office. there is more implicit knowledge than using explicit knowledge in the tasks. According to Cross (2007)"makes a case for the fact that informal learning is not the opposite of formal learning,and other analysts agree that the boundaries between formal, non-formal and informal learning are blurred and can only be meaningfully drawn in relation to particular contexts."
Formal learning can be applied by e-learning and technology. They do work together. For example, learning from websites and online discussion groups are very different from the orientation of formal course. we need to understand about "stress" is laid on learning step by step.
Kapp argues that informal leanring is just in time and just the amount necessary to put to immediate use.
"We can contemplate whether"real"learning happens with web 2.0 technologies, we can be philosophical about the value of informal learning versus formal learning, we can tout the virtues of"collective wisdom"but in the end...none of that matters. What matters is that kids are already using web 2.0 technologies comfortably and effectively. if we old folks (over 30) don't figure out how to effectively use these tools to help the younger generation learn what they need to be successful in our baby boomer-run companies, government agencies and other large organizations then we learning and development folks will be irrelevant. Conducting traditional classroom lectures for these gamers is not going to cut it and neither is our multiple-choice question, e-learning module format. we better stop bad mouthing web 2.0 or learning 2.0 and start using these technologies or be passed up by the "digital natives" as prensky calls them. (Kapp,2006)
I hope it helps
Saturday, October 11, 2008
It is great post by Mark.
If you live in the U.S. and you care about either side of the issues - then you MUST watch this video.
Posted using ShareThis
Friday, October 10, 2008
According to Collis & Moonen, it will not be easy to embed web 2.0 tools and processes in higher education practice. if we want to increase our likelihood of this embedding, we may place some of following ideas.
"Both instructors and students must value an educational aproach where learner participation and contribution are balanced wth acquisition."
"A pedagocical approach must be used that reflects contribution-oriented activities where students create at least some of their own learning resources.
"The approach must be scaffolded in practice by interlinked support resources for both instructors and students. Uncertainty must be reduced as much as possible for the students in terms of what is expected of them,and to what standard.
"The processes as well as the products produced by the students must be assessed as part of overall course assessment practices.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
eLearning Guild Annual Gathering Conference & Expo 2009
March 9 - 12, 2009
Orlando, FL
If you want to be a conference speakers, this is a good time to do it. i am going to write an article which is Social networking to enhence ESL reading skills and i represent my company in this conference. I would like to use LinkedIn to be my research instrument. Linkedin is very hot social networking sites. it is the reason i pick Linkedin. i hope it is going to work for this paper. This is the best time to show what is your company and how are you going to run. I am going to show you guys my proposal. I may change my participants from 450 ESL students to 30 students. it will be easy for me to do it. Anyways . i hope i can finish this paper
Participants for this study will be ESL students in San Diego community college; all students in San Diego, CA. It is distance course from US to Taiwan. The test will give to 450 ESL students in college the ages of the student’s differed from18 to 30years.
Instrument and Design
It will be pre-test and post-test design. We are going to use experimental groups and control groups. With this design, both a control group and an experimental group is compared pre-test and post-test, however, the groups are randomization. All students will take pre-test and post-test in reading comprehension exam
A reading comprehensive pre-test will construct to divide the subjects into three reading proficiency groups. The pre-test include an article with 10 multiple-choice items ranging from 100 to 150 words .due to the results of the pre-test, students will classify into three reading proficiency groups: low, intermediate, and high. 150 students who receive scores below 20 points will classify into the low level group; 150 students between 20 and 30 points will classify into the intermediate level group; and 150 students who obtained above 30 points will classify into the high level group. Second, all three groups will be divide into two different teaching method. One is experimental group with social networking, other one is control group without social networking.
Testing Procedures
All three levels experimental groups and control groups will take reading comprehension pre-test. Four weeks later, when the experimental groups finish the 8-hour with social networking training. Students will ask questions from LinkedIn which is social networking. Otherwise, the control group with three reading proficiency groups will not use the social networking of LinkedIn
Two groups will give the same reading comprehension test as a post-test. The rationale is to use exactly the same test for both pre- and post-testing is to measure how three levels experimental group’s performance in LinkedIn and to avoid the problem of equating different forms of pre-test and post-test. We will not provide with the correct answers after the pre-test, even were they to remember how they had answered a question the first time, they had no way of knowing whether that answer was correct. Moreover, any effects due to experience with the test would be comparable for each of the three groups. And, finally, one of the most common types of test reliability in psychometrics consists of such test-retest reliability.
Materials and Training Procedures
English teachers will use the articles of social networking. All papers are very interesting for students. Therefore, the teacher (the researcher) will pick twelve reading passages which would be covered during the 7 weeks from a variety of sources. Five reading passages will be choosing from technology magazine, and seven reading topics from popular ESL reading materials. The all reading topic will choose on the basis of subjects' presumed interest. Second, when students have problems with twelve reading passages, teachers will give the social networking of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a please which can ask questions and someone will help to answer the questions. Experimental group will be train by LinkedIn with twelve reading passages.
When the students finish this training, the teacher will follow reading strategies into LinkedIn: first, the teacher summarizes the section of the passage; second, the teacher asking a couple of questions on the content; third, the teacher predicted the content of the following sections; finally, the teacher evaluates the content for compatibility with prior knowledge and common sense from LinkedIn. The teacher is not helping to resolve problems. Students will ask their own questions to LinkedIn. It will help our students focusing on their learning and also helping cooperative learning.
Data analysis
The experimental data will subject to two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
When i design reading activity for my class , i do design a single, specific document. my students typically clicks a link to get the document and then reads it either internet or after they can print it out.
In my point of view. there are some different types of documents. it is useful in e-learning. here is the list of documents.
1. textbooks
2. popular books
3. manuals
4. reports
5. regulations
6. Brochures
7. Specifications
8. Magazines.
9. Newspapers.
10. Blogs
As i know, if we can make documents available for our studetns, , think how we convert conventional documents to web-based media. there are some formats are really useful for e-learning
1. HTML: Can be displayed in browswer with no plug-ins
2. Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF): Faithful to original format, even if complex. works for any document you can print.
3. Adobe FlashPaper: Faithful to the original format. Displays using the Falash player, which also handles animatin. graphics,and video
4. Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (RTF): Can be opened by Word and other word processors for editing.
I would like to use PDF. PDF provides the images of te original document. the PDF can be used for any computer document that can be printed.
This is how we design our E-leanring documents.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
Teachers can use games for their courses. However, many would think that learning environment instead of a course.
I agree with it . games may work and in compbination with other leanring activities. after reading Horton's book. i would like to share with your guys How he addressed those activities. According to Horton, He addressed that " a typical leanring game starts with a brief introduction that frames the game by telling what is simulated and what will be learned in the game. For example, Second Life is a tool of leanring languages."
(1) combine presentations and readings with a game
Learners can get a chance to apply what they learned in the presentation or reading. it is kind of feedback for them.
(2) Include software simulations in the online manual or help file for computer software.
I agree with it . we give learners resaons to look things up in the documentation. The documentation includes a task beyond those of the simulation.
(3)in a complex game, the learners have to conduct researc and to proceed in the game. it gives learners a virtual laboratory which is to conduct experiments to fin out informaton needed in the game.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Zocdoc, the health appointment scheduling startup that launched at TechCrunch 40, has announced that Marc Benioff and Jeff Bezos - two of Silicon Valley’s most prominent figures - have joined the $3 million Series A funding round it raised last month that was led by Khosla Ventures.
ZocDoc allows users to book their doctor appointments online, even for same-day appointments. The site is especially useful for urgent visits and procrastinators who may wait until the last minute for an eye exam or prescription refill. Doctors can also maximize the number of patients they see by using the system to help reschedule missed appointments or fill in last-second cancellations.
Since launching last September, ZocDoc has seen a 2,000% increase in the number of available appointments on the site, largely because of its base of doctors and patients expands by around 50% every month. Unfortunately the site is still limited by region, with support for Brooklyn and New York City. Given the healthcare industry’s resistance to change this is understandable, but if ZocDoc doesn’t expand to fill this need soon, someone else will.