Online Tutoring service

Monday, October 27, 2008

Learning Management Systems to Learning Content Management Systems

What is Learning Management Systems (LMS)? Your school's Moodel is kind of LMS. School wants to control access to the courseware and track data such as the your ID,the level of usage, and the PDF files. The LMS also help teachers have more control over the contexts. According to Johnson & Hall (2007),The specific features and funcions of an LMS vary considerably from one system to another but generally they offer the following:


1. Administrative functions: these include course setup, learner registration, course assignment and reporting of the learner's progress by tracking data such as scores on tests or quizzes, the time spent in courses, and the completion status of each course.

2. Learner interface: permitting learners to log in to the LMS using a personal ID with or without a password and receive access to the e-learning context via a personalized menu of their assigned courses. usually they can also monitor their own progress by viewing test scores, completion status on courses and topics,and so on.

3.Sequencing:LMSs are also responsible for sequencng learner access to lessons within courses ,such as allowing learners access lessons in any order or forcing them to access the lessons in a predetermined sequence.

Moodle is a good example to explain to you guys. Moodle can collect data about your usageand courses. As you can see, usage data has included the number learners registered for a course, how many learners are online etc....

By the way, The learning content management systems (LCMSs) is also very popular recelntly development. According to Johnson & Hall (2007)," LCMSs exploits the wider use of standard-compliant learning objects to add a further level of functionality to LMSs" The systems are designed to meet the following requirements:

1. Generate unique descriptions for each learning object.

2. Discover (Search for and locate )the required learning object.

3. Provide multiple hierarchies for storing and organizing learning objects.

4. Facilitate the assembly of complex course structures.

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