Online Tutoring service

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to Select and use collaboration tools

Select your collaboration tools to make it possibel for long distant learners to chat feeely and to work together on tasks in the virtual classroom such as second life. As i know, you will need to know the different tools and how to use them as well. First, you need to decide waht kind of one by one interaction which is best furthers the objectives of your projects. Second, you need to implement this interaction in the form and technology to fit for you r situation.

(1) consider a variety of tools
we are going to find rich communication and collaboration into our e-learning. Users can be easier to use it. it is the reason why face-to-face are necessary to have a variety of tools to support in classroom. For example Dicussion forum , E-mail, chat room, and video-conferencing etc....

(2) to make live meeting if posibble
there are some points to show you guys.
1.1 Teaching unstructured, implicit knowledge.
1.2 Learners hav emany questions.
1.3 Isolated learners prefer leanring with others.
1.4 No time to develop standalone materials.

i think if your teachers are lacked the skills to teach you , it is the best way to do it. computer can provide that interactivity between teachers and students.

(3) Layer leanring activities

I would like to mix synchronous and asynchronous methods as well as group activiteis. you know it will help our learners to work each other. i will show you how we performe individually .

1.1 one-to-one, synchronous--office hours
1.2 Group synchronous--mettings, and presentations
1.3 Group, asynchronous-- discussion,team projects, study groups
1.4 individual, asynchronous-- readings research labs papers.

when we design activities , we need to think who is our target and which layer learning activities.

(4) pick tools to suit learners

I think colaboration tools are new technology. we need to think how learners are going to use. is it easy to use? is it hard to use?

According to Horton (2006), He addressed four pick tools to suit leanrers.

1.1 language fluency
1.2 accents.
1.3 typeing skills
1.4 technical expertise.

there are still some considers for our learners. i would like to write more next time.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Consider multiple perspective

Successful eLearning design is the result of four main influences which are contributing concerns and capabilities. there are requiring different skills to produce effectiv-eLearning: Instuctional design, media design, software engineering, and economics.

According to Horton (2006), there are four big influences to effect our elearning

(1) Insturctional design shareing contributes theories about how you are going to learn and apply theise theories. How people can learn and guide selection and specification of new learning experiences such as simulations, learning games, online meetings,and discusson forums.

(2)Software engineering: E-learning can be software or serice for E-learners. it can transmits media over netword. software engineering contributes the concepts of object design, usability design, and aapid prototyping.

(3) Media design can be digital media. For example, MSN is typical example for digital media. Today we can selct the good mixture of text, graphics,voice ,music,sound effects, animatin, and video. we are going to sequence these different media and synchronize complementary media.

(4) Economics aims to promote value. E-learning may costs money. it may take time to create,offer,and maintaing but . we may try to find a way to develop New E-learning tools.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

#100+ E-Learning Professionals to follow on TWITTER
MySQL invites you to join our very exciting Webinars in October. Space is limited, so register now!! please feel free to register.

In this new web seminar you'll learn about the new Entity Framework and how you can access these and other benefits with MySQL:Develop your application against SQL Server and then switch it to MySQL with zero code changes Optimize your database schema without requiring any code changes in your application Use LinQ syntax for type safety in your applications Register for this web presentation »http://www.mysql.com/news-and-events/web-seminars/display-204.htmlManaging MySQL in the Amazon EC2 CloudThursday, October 02, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

It is great posed by Lvanova.

it is a new tool for our elearners. her paper is talking about how Clickers work for classroom

Wow!! This tool can be worked with GPS, Computer, and PDA. it is a communication system between teachers and students. For example, when students have questions, students can use Clickers to inform their teachers. As i know, some college's classroom has more than 30 students. is it a good tool ?


Using clickers for enhancing classroom instructions

The third generation clickers (Clicker systems are also commonly called Classroom Response Systems, Student Response Systems, or Audience Response Systems) are almost successfully integrated into the teaching and learning processes for realizing the interactive pedagogy, for students’ activation and engagement, for immediate feedback and assessment and as a tool for educational research. This technology impressed me and in this post I propose some examples of the best practices about arranging the clicker activities in the university and school classroom.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Clicker Grant Project Site
Learning Technology Center Faculty Support Site
Ohio State University, Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR) Site
University of Florida, Classroom Support Site
University of Kansas, Instructional Development and Support Site

New for back-to-school: 'Clickers' (CNET news)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I did watch this video . It is talking about how teachers take advantage of new technology to improve their students academic goals. Web 2.0 is a good idea to help our students. i do encourage all teachers to use any kind web 2.0 tools.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Learning can be followed by connectivism. why i am thinking like this? because thinking, information, and networkd are all outstanding. i think learing is growing . it does not stop running. However, someone thinks learning is build -an interesting observation after somebody informing your information such as relationship between teachers and students.

In fact, i may not understand those metaphors for learning but i know. Web 2.0 is working fine and it makes the connections and seeing the patterns at the same time.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It is great posted by Mark. He mentioned about how "People are seeking more meaningful and customized information than what is obtained by keywords-based queries and document retrieval through a search engine." The paper wrote by Shah


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Hulu will be a good eLearning tool just like Youtube. Hulu is NBC Universal and News Corporation’s online video joint venture. The site focuses exclusively on professional content and does not take on YouTube directly as a viral video destination. The site raised $100 million in financing from Providence Equity Partners.

Hulu videos are played in their own embeddable branded player. Content from at least a dozen TV networks and two major film studios is promised. Initial distribution partners include AOL, Comcast, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo.

what do you think? Hulu will be biggest than Youtubo. I like Hulu becuase i can be directly to see NBC News.

I think that Web 3.0 will be like Hulu's model. For example, Hulu can coorporate with mobile system. Mobile also can workw with wireless. users can access anytime.

i think that web 3.0 will be like this

what do you think?

Monday, September 22, 2008

It is great posted by Erick. Facebook is going to work with Digg.

Digg is a company of social networking. Digg is working fine right now. i did try to use Digg. This service is helping us to find articles or images. i love this site. in futre,Digg will help facebook to provide more features for users. I am thinking about what is Web 3.0 ? i think that facebook is trying to develop web 3.0. what do you think?

Web 2.0 brings a lot of new perspectives to users.

This video will show you how digg works with Facebook by Jay

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great posted by from Mark . Mark talks how E-learning project works with SCORM.

What's the opposite of evolution? An interesting question about SCORM

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

I would like to share language learning by web 2.0 and how Web 2.0 works for language education. The school is no longer to provide first hand resource of information and knowledge. To get unlimited sources of information is provided by Internet, YouTube and interactive TV, multimedia electronic messaging, digg, Del.icio.us, bookmarker, second life, Wikipedia, blogs, podcasts, etc. The traditional classroom will be gradually access to a multimedia. The students will be able to improve their reading, writing, and communicating by platform for example text, graphics, and moving images, animation, sounds (Nikolov, 1997),
Computer technology, Web 2.0, is one of the huge changes in language teaching. As resources for teachers, web 2.0 enables:

l Sharing and easily changing text-based classroom materials: textbooks, handouts, paper sheets, posters, etc with video or graphics as well as text.

l To share your hot links or information on the Web 2.0 platform.

l To provide motivations, including reward

l To communicate with other teachers and learning what they are learning.

l To create teachers’ community to share different opinions

According to President Clinton’s American’s Technology Literacy Challenge (1996), as he mentioned that teachers have good training or support before they teach in classroom. Before instructors go to the classroom, they are supposed to understand technology otherwise; teachers could not share their knowledge. As we can see, how important for preparing teachers are to use educational technology (Kassen & Higgins, 1997). As we know , these instuctors would like to integrate technology into their own teaching (Lam,2000)

Friday, September 19, 2008

I got an E-mail from eLearningGuild. they have some free E-books and papers.

i did download some papaers for my dissertation. It was wonderful to have it for free. However, you need to register it to log in ElearningGuild.com

I would like to share to you guys.


In Search of Learning Agility


Published Date: 09/15/2008

Category: Management Strategies

Title: Change 2.0: How Does e-Learning 2.0 Affect Organizational Culture?

Author: Mark Oehlert

Abstract:This week’s essay continues the discussion of e-Learning 2.0 and hurdles to its adoption in organizations. Change management is an often-overlooked part of the answer to dealing with these issues, and the author guides you through the information you need to consider. The essay ends with a short list of the essential actions you should begin today!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can moodle system be better than blackboard in high education?

Our school has been changed from blackboard to moodle system. the reason is moodle cost less than blackboard and it is easy to use for private school and university has below 6000 students. You may ask what is about public university and above 10000 students on campus. i would say it would better using blackboard.

Blackboard has been development for so long. For example, WebCT can help school to deal with long distance education. Moodle is too easy to deal with it. I asked my classmates and professors about Moodle and Blackboard. which system you guys like ?

most of students prefer to Blackboard. what do you like?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Open source video platform has very popular right now. it is a new idea of web 2.0. it is to share information with our communities.

Panda open today. you guys can go to check it out

i have post panda's information

Panda is an open source solution for video uploading, encoding and streaming that launched on September 16, 2008.

Unlike other video platforms, Panda is not just a service for encoding your videos for the web; Panda handles the whole process. From the upload form to streaming, Panda takes control.

By providing an elegant REST API, Panda makes it completely painless to implement full video uploading, encoding and streaming functionality to your web application in a matter of hours.

* Runs completely within Amazon’s Web Services utilising EC2, S3 and SimpleDB.
* Everything contained within one elegant Merb application.
o Support for the numerous encoding profiles FFmpeg supports including FLV, h264 for Flash a iPhone formats.
* Panda gem for painless integration with Ruby on Rails and Merb.
* Lovely little admin dashboard for managing your videos.

Runs in the cloud

Panda run’s completely in the cloud computing environment provided by Amazon’s array of web services. The application runs on a customised EC2 instance with everything pre-installed, including FFmpeg and an plethora of codecs. SimpleDB is used to store all of data for video, encoding, accounts and encoding profiles. Uploaded and encoded video files are then stored on S3. Simple to integrate

Your Panda EC2 instance will provide a simple REST (both YAML and XML formats support) API for listing, creating, editing and deleting videos. When a new video is created on your site the actual file upload takes place in a popup or iframe. Doing so means that the large video file is uploaded directly to your Panda EC2 instance so you don’t have to handle it within your application. The server also is configured to support an upload progress bar so user’s can see the video upload in progress.

Once a video has been uploaded the encoding daemon will pickup the job and encode the video to the encoding profiles you specify. Upon completion Panda will send a notification back to your application to let it know the video has finished encoding and can be watched.

The superb JW FLV Player is used by default, but because you’ve got access to all of the video files you can use any Flash video player out there.

Monday, September 15, 2008

DeL.ICIO.US is a social bookmarking tool to capture,tag,and annotate a minimum of 40 links of personal interest. This activityies may hlep the entire semester. teachers may bookmark links for their subjects areas,technology support,and content resources. For example, del.icio.us has a feature which makes a "social" bookmarking tool First, each del.icio.us account needs a individual account and then saving bookmarks can be accessed by the public.

The reason why eductors would like to use Del.icio.us in course evaluations? according to del.icio.us 2007a, there are two points

1. The del.icio.us assignment has helped me as a teacher-I have so many different web sites saved and organized now, so i can find them quickly.
2.I really liked the del.icio.us assignment in that i found TONS of great resources that i will use in class. i had never been exposed to Merlot, for instance, which was a great source of informations.

Del.icio.us is not only for enterprice but also education. i would like to know how many teachers do use del.icio.us ? As i know, my instructors do not use it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Web 2.0-based developments are collaborative and dynamic. As we know, Web 1.0 was a medium for reading which is webpage, Web 2.0 has many more chances for interaction with reading or writing.According to O'Reilly (2005) online learning society would naturally transform to use the same approach. O'Reilly (2005) notes six core competencies of the Web 2.0 environment.

1. Services, not packaged software,
2. An architecture of participation,
3. cost-effective scalability,
4. re-mixable data source and data transformations,
5. sofware above the level of a single device, and
6. harnessing collective intelligence.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Language learning in Web 2.0 should enable learners and tutors to be the same as producers and consumers of language content and services.
This video implies that Web 2.0 is another tool or "activity" for teachers to help students to reach their goals.
Classrooms may not only place to learn languages. Web 2.0 is a chance to eliminate classrooms and make an interactive Web 2.0 world the preferred language learning space for learners and tutors. That is what I hope to achieve.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

SCROM is an tool of E-learning . it is e-learning design,development, and delivery tools continue to push out, it is enabling institutions and individual faculty members to create technoogy-enhanced learning experiences with relative ease, what do we need to do

1. tools that can integrate Web 2.0 features into the learning enviornment effectively and
2. advancement in the standards that can better reflect 2.0 Environments.

The model for sharble content called the Sharable Content Object Reference MODEL (SCORM). SCORM currently running that leanring will be directed through an IT system (e.g. an LMS). it will also be delivered on the web which can be changes in the reference model are forthcoming (Masie,2003).


After 1999, O'Reilly cited (2005)" six core competencies of the Web 2.0 environemtn three of these competencies are of interst in relation to technical strengths and weaknesses of SCORM 2004,3 rd edition:

1. Remixable data source and data transformations,
2. An architecture of participation, and
3. harnessing collective intelligence.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Web translation can be more than ten languages. Igoabroad will have Chinese version next year. I may get help from AlfaBetic. They do translate for free. If you want to see more information, I did copy information from Jason Kincaid

TC50: AlfaBetic Translates Your Blog For A Worldwide Audience, Free of Charge
by Jason Kincaid on September 9, 2008

AlfaBetic is a translation service that offers publishers a free way to have their content translated to ten of the web’s most popular languages, which it says will expose them 842 million potential new readers.
The service first runs text through a computer, which is similar to the web-based translation systems offered by Google Translate and a number of other sites. After generating this rough translation, AlfaBetic then presents the translated text to paid human translators, who ensure that everything makes sense. Alphabetic says that over time it will be able to reduce its costs by making the original automatic text more accurate using “statistical machine translation”.
The service’s most impressive feature is its ability to keep comments consistent across every translated site, as well as the publisher’s original blog - I could leave a comment on TechCrunch Russia and have it appear on TechCrunch.com, translated to English. These comments are still translated by machine and read by a human, but the company says that the process only takes a few minutes.
AlfaBetic will control advertising appearing on each publisher’s translated pages, and says that it will try to maximize revenues by using local ad merchants - something that might work well in some European countries, but markets in countries like China and Russia are far less appealing. The company will take a share of this ad revenue, but the service will be free. It sounds like distribution models for content will depend on the publisher, but at the moment AlfaBetic says that it will act as a syndication service, posting the material to a number of different outlets (as well as its own server).
Om Malik - Whose translation engine do you use?
Alfabetic - We developed our own translation engine, have been working on it for a couple of years, special emphasis on different domains of language.. Emphasis on spoken, politics, etc. We can focus on each domian.
Om Malik - What’s your accuracy?Alfabetic - depends… we believe 90%?? Politics for example 80-90%
Om Malik - How many ads can you really serve against this content? It seems like bloggers don’t have control over how many ads go in there.
Alfabetic - We’re offering the publishers. a complete turnkey solution. That means that we will do our best to create an ad network that will maximize the revenue, and the best way to do that when you translate, is to partner with local ad aggregators, get them from different local publishers, ad providers.
Tim O’Reilly - So you guys have actual experience, you’ve done this for TechCrunch. How did this work? Ad revenue?
Alfabetic - What we did was a pilot, it was not open to public. We believe that if we translate into 10 most popular languages, we don’t know if readership per language will be as large as in English…
Tim O’Reilly- what’s the infrastructure? How is this hosted? Does Michael (Arrington) have to get a domain name?
Alfabetic - We were thinking of a few models. Different blogs, different publishers fit different models. If we could partner with popular portals in each language.
Tim O’Reilly - So you become an ap to feed into other stuff.. syndication.
Alfabetic - Yep
Tim O’Reilly - What about world wide lexicon, a similar project - they dont do the monetization part.
Alfabetic - We know Google has big stake in this tech. We decided to concentrate on what we can do best. Train computers to translate particular domains.
Tim O’Reilly - Are you crowdsourcing the translation?
Alfabetic - we have people that we pay around the world to do the proofing.
Tim O’Reilly - Scaling problem, you have to cherry pick who you are going to work with. Who pays your?
Alfabetic - We get paid by ad monetization.
Alfabetic - We are about a tenth of what it costs to us e a translation agency. For us to translate techcrunch for us.. per month is 1k in all languages.
Josh Kopelman - We heard MySpace say 9 countries represent 90% of their advertising.. aren’t rates lower elsewhere?
Alfabetic - Europe would be very interested, like Germany. China and Russia and other regiions in world.. the numbers cover up for the economy. We’re looking towards the future
Evan Williams - Would Tim and Om look at this?
Om Malik - Probably not. If we were going to go international, we’d have the same model as what we have., we’d want dedicated stories. Translation works for very large media companies.
Tim O’Reilly - Probably not. One of our experiences, book publishes is a relatively small part of markte, yuo have have to have something local. You have biz dev issues.

Monday, September 08, 2008


eLearninGuild has report research paper about what learning delivery methods were being used and particularly if they were trending up or down. i am more intrested to 500 corporaions. How business goes to? where is big marketing? it seems online tutoring has been down for some reasons. the result came from eLearningGuild.

This link is from Dr Karrer's website. please take it look this result.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

You can take your time to take look this video . it is very nice Video

Sugata Mitra: Can kids teach themselves? (TED)

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Why Twitter is winning

Why Twitter is winning

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Please take look it how to teach second language by web 2.0

Friday, September 05, 2008

I have had an account at facebook for an year but i just start to use last week. Facebook is really hot right now. i know facebook since two years ago. i was thinking that facebook is working with students. i was wrong. Facebook has a lot of users from outsite of school. i was surprised about this. facebook can be a tool of training and sharing your ideas. more and more people would like to join them.

Facebook is new perspective of web 2.0. i could say facebook will keep popular in our daily life.

I would like to know what are they thinking for next step of facebook. As i know, facebook has been updated their service only for two times from 2004 to present. someone will be thinking about what will facebook do for next steps Web 3.0 ???

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I copy Digg's information for you guys. Digg is very popular site for shareing files. each person can upload your papers into site. I have been seen a lot of company trying to do this service.
By the way, When i design the site of IGOABROAD.COM, I also provide sharing files but all about academics. However, only members can read those papers. I always have a question about this kind of serivce. how can they make money? from ads? from people?

How their employees survival without salaries?

What is Digg?
Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online.
How do we do this? Everything on Digg — from news to videos to images to Podcasts — is submitted by our community (that would be you). Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to see.
And it doesn’t stop there. Because Digg is all about sharing and discovery, there’s a conversation that happens around the content. We’re here to promote that conversation and provide tools for our community to discuss the topics that they’re passionate about. By looking at information through the lens of the collective community on Digg, you’ll always find something interesting and unique. We’re committed to giving every piece of content on the web an equal shot at being the next big thing.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I am thinking about submiting my papers to this event for IGOABROAD.COM. However, it is a little bit late. it will be due on friday. I am trying to find a topic to present it . Therefore, the paper will be all about web 2.0 applied into classroom. If you want to submit as i do, please having a topic ASAP you can.

August 13, 2008

Call for Conference Speakers
The eLearning Guild Annual Gathering Conference & Expo 2009
March 9 - 12, 2009Orlando, FL
Speaking proposals are now being accepted and I am encouraging all Guild members to submit proposals to present. Do you have a great case study to share? Have you developed a time-saving process or effective way to use an e-Learning authoring tool? Do you have an interesting e-Learning design to show? Has your e-Learning strategy earned you raves? Then you should be sharing your tips, techniques, and strategies at the Annual Gathering!
This event will be attended by over 1,250 of your fellow Guild members and presenting at this event offers you a great professional development opportunity, the chance to network with your peers face-to-face, and a FREE full conference registration.
Event information and instructions on how to submit are HERE.
The AG09 submission form is HERE.
If you have any questions about the event of the submission process, feel free to contact me at hfisk@eLearningGuild.com.
I look forward to seeing your submissions! Sincerely, Heidi Fisk Program Director
The eLearning Guild 375 E Street, Suite 200Santa Rosa, CA 95404+1.707.566.8990 +1.707.566.8963 fax

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Great posted from Kincaid. i post his article to express how green search engine effects our life

Greenseng: A Green Search Engine That Actually Conserves Energy
by Jason Kincaid on September 2, 2008

We’ve seen a few sites attempt to help turn the web green, but most of them have been little more than gimmicks. Blackle purports to conserve energy by offering a “black” version of Google, which it says uses less energy than the engine’s standard white. But Google has gone on to say that black may actually increase the amount of energy consumed by visitors (of course, this didn’t stop Google Israel from turning its site black in honor of Earth Hour).

Today, Y Combinator startup CO2Stats has launched a search engine that aspires to be truly green. Greenseng (sounds like Ginseng) is a standard search engine, pulling results from Google’s Custom Search to produce results. But instead of relying on a dubious method of energy conservation, CO2Stats measures the amount of energy used by its servers and the computers of its users and purchases renewable energy certificates (similar to carbon credits) to offset the environmental toll.

CO2Stats CTO Alex Wissner-Gross says that Greenseng isn’t meant to generate revenue though advertising. Instead, the site is using proceeds from its certification business that allows websites to purchase renewable energy certificates in return for a badge that labels them as “Green Certified”.

But while Greenseng may not directly be earning any money, it may help CO2Stats pull in a slew of new customers. In its next iteration, the site will be using Yahoo’s powerful BOSS search API to incorporate some of its own data. Users will be able to see the environmental footprint of each site in their search results with data pulled from CO2Stats, which may give companies more of an incentive to get Green Certified.

Monday, September 01, 2008

After reading Michael Arrington's paper, i am thinking to reflect this paper to my readers. It is breaking news for technology. I did try to go to Google chrome but it seems not ready to show us. According to Google, they are going to start Google chrome Tomorrow 09/02/08.

Google does not like Microsoft. they design their own browser. it seems that we are going to see Firefox and Microsoft's browser will be down a little bit because of Google. i

i would like to use Google chrome more often in future .

I would like to know that Can Google chrome have more users than Firefox and Microsoft?