Online Tutoring service

Monday, September 29, 2008

Consider multiple perspective

Successful eLearning design is the result of four main influences which are contributing concerns and capabilities. there are requiring different skills to produce effectiv-eLearning: Instuctional design, media design, software engineering, and economics.

According to Horton (2006), there are four big influences to effect our elearning

(1) Insturctional design shareing contributes theories about how you are going to learn and apply theise theories. How people can learn and guide selection and specification of new learning experiences such as simulations, learning games, online meetings,and discusson forums.

(2)Software engineering: E-learning can be software or serice for E-learners. it can transmits media over netword. software engineering contributes the concepts of object design, usability design, and aapid prototyping.

(3) Media design can be digital media. For example, MSN is typical example for digital media. Today we can selct the good mixture of text, graphics,voice ,music,sound effects, animatin, and video. we are going to sequence these different media and synchronize complementary media.

(4) Economics aims to promote value. E-learning may costs money. it may take time to create,offer,and maintaing but . we may try to find a way to develop New E-learning tools.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog