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Monday, October 27, 2008

NSBA T+L Conference

I would like to go this conference but it is too late to go. i would like to go next year. i hope you guys has videos or papers to share with us after conference . This is how their manages messenger

I'm headed to Seattle for the National School Boards Association (NSBA) annual Technology and Learning Conference. I'm looking forward to meeting educators from across the country who are coming to Seattle for practical and innovative solutions to using technology in the classroom.

IQity Supports T+L Conference

IQity is a Platinum Sponsor of the T+L Conference and will be hosting an exciting special event on Wednesday evening. We'll be going to the Experience Music Project, a unique Seattle venue dedicated to the exploration of creativity and innovation in popular music. Interactive displays and the opportunity to see cutting-edge technology will be paired with a live band, dancing and refreshments, so conference attendees can mix networking and fun.

If you'll be at the conference, don't miss the party, and be sure to ask me how IQity can bring technology and learning to your school.

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