Perceptual Arousal Gain and maintain student attention by the use of novel, surprising, incongruous, or uncertain events in instruction.
Inquiry ArousalStimulate information-seeking behavior by posing, or having the learner generate, questions or a problem to solve.
VariabilityMaintain student interest by varying the elements of instruction.
FamiliarityAdapt instruction, use concrete language, use examples and concepts that are related to the learner's experience and values to help them integrate new knowledge.
Goal Orientation Provide statements or examples that present the objectives and utility of the instruction, and either present goals for accomplishment or have the learner define them.
Motive Matching Adapt by using teaching strategies that match the motive profiles of the students.
Expectancy for Success Make learners aware of performance requirements and evaluative criteria.
Challenge SettingProvide multiple achievement levels that allow learners to set personal goals or standards of accomplishment, and performance opportunities that allow them to experience success.
Attribution Molding Provide feedback that supports student ability and effort as the determinants of success.
Natural Consequences Provide opportunities to use newly acquired knowledge or skill in a real or simulated setting
Positive Consequences Provide feedback and reinforcements that will sustain the desired behavior
Equity Maintain consistent standards and consequences for task accomplishment
it can work with some other theory such as gagne's model.
Gagne’s nine events of instruction.

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