Online Tutoring service

Friday, July 25, 2008

I have read his article today. Dr Karrer who is CEO of techempower. He mentioned that interesting online training and eLearning has become pretty much synonymous with Online Training. As I know, synonymous with Online Training has been very popular in the world such as WEBEX.COM which is using synonymous activities on-line conference.

Dr Karrer pointed out some various problem of E learning design

where we have to be responsible for our learning,
where learning and work are often not separate activities,
where there's just too much for each of us to learn so we have to make choices,
where we have to continually evaluate our sources of information,
where we have to Stop Reading and instead Skim Dive Skim

I had the same questions with Dr Karrer . eLearning with Online Training is problematic . do they both relate together? It is really confusing me.

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