Online Tutoring service

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

eLearning tool: eLearning technology

I have seen a lot of eLearning sites such as faceook, Linkdin, etc.....

some people ask that there is no one to ask math ,science, and chemenstry questions in the Linkdin because Linkdin does not provide equation editor and chemdrawer via web application. if you need to ask those questions, you need to find equations by your own and you can ask questions.

I am happy about it. We found equation editor which create by codecoge and we design our own chemdrawer. It was hard time for us. we keep finding web application for those editors but it is not easy to find it. most of editors are windows application. if you need to ask those questions and somebody will ask it for you.

you may come to our site to ask. we start it next week before students back to school. www.igoabroad.com

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