Great post by Mark Hendrickson in Techchurch
I did a new feature into my blog which is “following” feature. it enables members to list their fans of other members’ blogs. after reading his paper, i went to Mybloglog by Yahoo to add this feature, Howeever, My blog is by Who told you Yahoo could not work with Google. i can see Mybloglog can work with Gooogle blogger very well. i have seen more blogs recently using Widget to copy the code onto their website.
we can call "widget" which means you just copy the code (HTML) below onto your website or blog. it is very easy to use it. we may know who is your vistors in your website. i really like this service. it is new for me.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Social network
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Web 2.0 has been working with community social bookmarking service well done. I am surprised How social bookmarking service makes money? For example, is a social bookmarking service. what is the perspective of bookmarking service? is it to share your photo or files? Wow a lot of companies are doing this service. everybody knows that web 2.0 is not tool of making money but it is sharing your personal files. I think that has more than ten employees working with delicious. is it free for delicious. do they just want to be popular in our internet community without making money? i am still thinking about it. popular website = making money . are you sure about this?
I would wait for the result.
I would wait for the result.
social bookmarking service
Friday, August 29, 2008
Here is the full World Simulation video from Prof Wesch.i have seen this video from Dr Karrer's blog. if you want to know more network effects, this video will help you understand it.
Life network
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It is great posted by Jay Cross Whatever Happened to Performance Support? However, performance support is kind of old school. Who knows we do still rely on it . after reading Mr Jay's paper, i do understand how is performance support working on Electronic performance support systems. Is it training system for 21 centries? recently, company has to design a training system for their new employee. My qeustion is that do they relate each other. final, i found a answer from Cross. Thank you for your explanations.
For example, Cross stated that
"In her ground breaking 1991 book, Electronic Performance Support Systems, How and why to remake the workplace through the strategic application of technology",
Gloria described an EPSS as:
…an integrated electronic environment that is available to and easily accessible by each employee and is structured to provide immediate, individualised on-line access to the full range of information, software, guidance, advice and assistance, data, images, tools, and assessment and monitoring systems to permit job performance with minimal support and intervention by others.
Some people do not agree with it . For example, Marc Rosenberg, author of E-learning, former ISPI president, he is early proponent of performance support into system. He describes EPSS as “an enormous opportunity overlooked by the training community.” EPSS is not training, isn’t developed with the ADDIE model, and has been eclipsed by the new kid on the block: eLearning.
I was using ADDIE model to design digital library three years ago. it took me for one sememster to be done this job. i think EPSS can be disign by ADDIE. do you agree with it? Howwever, ADDIE may not work with E-learning system. i said may . some people still think ADDIE is working good with E-learning design.
For example, Cross stated that
"In her ground breaking 1991 book, Electronic Performance Support Systems, How and why to remake the workplace through the strategic application of technology",
Gloria described an EPSS as:
…an integrated electronic environment that is available to and easily accessible by each employee and is structured to provide immediate, individualised on-line access to the full range of information, software, guidance, advice and assistance, data, images, tools, and assessment and monitoring systems to permit job performance with minimal support and intervention by others.
Some people do not agree with it . For example, Marc Rosenberg, author of E-learning, former ISPI president, he is early proponent of performance support into system. He describes EPSS as “an enormous opportunity overlooked by the training community.” EPSS is not training, isn’t developed with the ADDIE model, and has been eclipsed by the new kid on the block: eLearning.
I was using ADDIE model to design digital library three years ago. it took me for one sememster to be done this job. i think EPSS can be disign by ADDIE. do you agree with it? Howwever, ADDIE may not work with E-learning system. i said may . some people still think ADDIE is working good with E-learning design.
performance supporting
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Great post at Time . Social Networks Target Pets. Wow! our pets also have social network. However, pets can not post their photo into web. open in July 2008, the site already has nearly 700,000 visitors and it is a new perspetive of online communities for pets. In fact, one years ago, i was thinking about this idea becuase people love dog. they need to have space to share their pet's information.
Social network
Saturday, August 23, 2008

I just read Mr Cunniff's a paper which talks about social media nightmare. it is really interesting. how social media makes us nightmare. According to Cunniff (2008), He pointed out how social media network nightmare. I agree that how can they make money in web 2.0? some companies provide free textbooks for college students. do they make money from that service?
"it like it is because I think it’s pretty accurate.
- It’s an unholy, incomprehensible mess.
- It’s anxiety-provoking
- The more earnest you are about trying to understand it, the more your head will hurt.
- It’s more fun to look at than a diagram about broadcast TV.
- Despite all of the above, it still looks oddly important.
- And no matter how hard you look, you can’t really see any money in there."
Social network
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I am not familiar with Bookmarking / Tagging Tool .
Recently, Bloggers love using Bookmarking to show their readers. I found very interesting "term"called "snapshot" . blog uses can tag someone's blog to link their website. is it good? I would like to try Tomorrow.
I learn it when i was in E-clipper which is a blog concerning about E-learning Technology.
I am trying to have Bookmarking in my blog. This tool has been working with Tagging Tool.
Tagging tool is kind of shortcut to link other website. For example, i would like to check E-learning tool in browser. the browser shows me 50 pages . it is too much for me. At the moment, we could use a tagging of E-learning. The browser may show us about 5 pages . it is saving our time to make research .
Recently, Bloggers love using Bookmarking to show their readers. I found very interesting "term"called "snapshot" . blog uses can tag someone's blog to link their website. is it good? I would like to try Tomorrow.
I learn it when i was in E-clipper which is a blog concerning about E-learning Technology.
I am trying to have Bookmarking in my blog. This tool has been working with Tagging Tool.
Tagging tool is kind of shortcut to link other website. For example, i would like to check E-learning tool in browser. the browser shows me 50 pages . it is too much for me. At the moment, we could use a tagging of E-learning. The browser may show us about 5 pages . it is saving our time to make research .
Bookmarking / Tagging Tool
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I just read Dr Karrer's paper. He is going to DevLearn conference to be a presenter"Work Literacy - A Key to eLearning 2.0 Success" which is all about Web 2.0. It will be in November 11 -14 2008 San jose CA. I would like to join them. However, it will be cost $300. those link was made by Tony Karrer (2008).
- eLearning 2.0 Presentation - ASTD OC
- Have Work and Learning Changed or the Way We Do Work and Learning?
- Learning and Networking with a Blog (Deleted Scenes)
- Understanding eLearning 2.0
- Needed Skills for New Media
- eLearning 2.0 - An Immediate, Important Shift
- Personal and Group Learning Using Web 2.0 Tools
- Personal Work and Learning Environments
- eLearning 1.0, 1.3 and 2.0
- Learning Trends Point To and Shape eLearning 2.0
- Web 2.0 and eLearning 2.0 Start-Up Guides
- Personal and Group Learning Using Web 2.0 Tools
- Authoring in eLearning 2.0 / Add-ins & Mash-ups
Web 2.0
Saturday, August 02, 2008
What is Second life ? i will show you today
New teaching and learning tool can be part of the classroom such: blog, Mp3, social network, and wiki. Many teachers use these technologies to enhance their teaching skills. However, some of technologies are still new for teachers such as Second Life. This paper will focus on how Second Life can help teachers to create their own teaching communities. Second Life is a new tool. It also can enhance language proficiency learning and teaching by both teachers and students. It is important for our teachers to use new technology in their classroom. In the purpose of paper is to introduce is second life; second, Second Life can be a tool, Third, Advantages of second life in an EFL English classroom, Fourth, Effectiveness and limitation of Second life.
Rymaszewski, Wallace, Winters, Ondrejka, Batston & Cuningham (2007) stated that “We live in a world that is becoming more networked every day, and the internet has grown into an essential medium for communication, socialization, and creative expression. Virtual worlds like Second Life represents the future of human interaction in a globally networked world, and students who have grown up with the internet naturally swim in these waters”.
What is Second Life?
According to Wikipedia (2008), “Second life is an internet-based virtual world video game with a free downloadable client program called the second life viewer which enables its users, called “residents”, to interact with each other through motional avatars providing an advanced level of a social network.”
The most important definition among all the articles is provided by Stevens (2006); Second Life has advantages of using virtual worlds for different educational purposes. It has been accepted that our students have different perspectives and abilities to compare the learners’ idea (Prensky, 2001).
Second Life Can be a Tool for Second Language Learning
Most of the articles talking about what second life is a specific tools for language learning (Prensky, 2001; Gee, 2003; Dede et al, 2005 Stevens, 2001). However, second life is very new in education. Education can use by second life. It is a partnership with pedagogy and digital technology. If Second life effectively in education, it will be increased implements. It considers the technology alongside the educational opportunity. Second life has various elements available synchronous communication. Another example is by Delwiche (2006) addressed that Second life is a teaching and learning tool. Users can design problem solving tasks by using Second life. There are three dimensional modeling tools and their imaginations. Students can build their communities in Second life. Challenges question and problem solving can be created also. It is flexible tool that teachers can help students 24 hours a day.
Advantages of Second Life in an EFL English classroom.
As we mentioned above, education, benefits from face to face to virtual world environment. It is moving from ore perspectives method of learning, such as lectures towards problem solving. Our students can get more experience under the guidance of real world experts which is not available in a traditional campus settings. (John, 2007).
It identifies the following benefits of using second life for education. These benefits may be generalized to all virtual worlds. Good (2004, as cited in Bixler, 2007, P3).
1. The virtual space can be modeled to match your learning needs
2. You can look at what you want, whenever you want. There is no need to comb your hair your avatar’s hair is ever mussed, unless you want it that way!
3. Exploration and discovery are possible.
4. Diversity is increased, and many of the negative real-world issues are associated with lack of understanding of the importance of diversity is minimized. When it can appear as you wish, you used to see the surface of the individual.
Moreover, another reason for the success of second life is that Mayrath, Sanchez, Traphagan, Heikes,& Trivedi,(2007) that we do not need to have space; however, this service is often challenging when we design instructional activities for our students.
Effectiveness and Limitation of Second Life
In ten articles which are cited in this literature review, there are no articles note the disadvantages of using second life in second language teaching and learning. All articles have notes advantages of using second life to learn language.
Stevens (2007) reported that there are some interesting viewpoints in integrating technologies into language teaching and learning such as “not all effective language teachers are native speakers” and students “love to learn but hate to be taught”. As we have seen, it is very important to integrate technologies in our teaching. Peterson (2006) pointed it out that the effectiveness of second life is to use active worlds for language learning that students were able to accept different tasks by target language interaction and also employed transactional communication strategies. For example, “the learner interaction was influenced by the complex interaction of a number of variables including task type, sociolinguistic factors, context of use and the mixed of technical provided by active worlds” (Peterson, 2006)
Second life is not new technology. It is developing now. However so many researchers are concerned with technology. Therefore, it is time to carry out research to support second life which can be used effectively in L2 teaching and learning. As we have known, some universities are trying to create virtual course for students. Second life may be recommended to be as supporting teaching and learning tools for educational system. This paper is only introduced based information on second life. In the future research is needed to focus on the effective use of second life for teaching language in education.
Bixler, B. (2007). SL Educational possibilities: Second Life educational possibilities and
considerations. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from
Dede, C., Clarke, J., Ketelhut, D., Nelson, B., & Bowman, C. (2005). Fostering
motivation, learning, and transfer in multiuser virtual environments. Paper presented
at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Montreal.
Delwiche, A. (2006). Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) in the new media
classroom. Educational Technology & Society, 9(3), 160-172.
Gee, J. P. (2003). What videogames have to teach us about learning and literacy? New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Good, R. (2004). 3D virtual spaces for learning and collaboration. Retrievd July y
11, 2006
John. (2007). Best practices from the second life community convention education
track 2007. Paper presented at the community convention 2007, New York.
Mayrath, M., Sanchez, J., Traphagan, T.,Heikes, J.,& Trivedi, A.(2007).Using second life
in an English course:designing class activities to address learning objectives. On the
ED MEDIA .Retrieved 2007 from:
Peterson, M. (2006, February). Learner interaction management in an avatar and chat-
based virtual world. Computer Assisted Language Learning 19, 1: 79-103
Rymaszewski, M., Au, W.J., Wallace, M., Winters, C., Ondrejka, C., & Batstone-
Cunningham, B. (2007). Second Life: The official guide. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley
Stevens, V. (2006). Second Life in education and language learning. [Electronic version].
TESL-EJ, 10(3). Retrieved December 2, 2007 from
Presky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon 9. Retrieved
December 27, 2006 from:
New teaching and learning tool can be part of the classroom such: blog, Mp3, social network, and wiki. Many teachers use these technologies to enhance their teaching skills. However, some of technologies are still new for teachers such as Second Life. This paper will focus on how Second Life can help teachers to create their own teaching communities. Second Life is a new tool. It also can enhance language proficiency learning and teaching by both teachers and students. It is important for our teachers to use new technology in their classroom. In the purpose of paper is to introduce is second life; second, Second Life can be a tool, Third, Advantages of second life in an EFL English classroom, Fourth, Effectiveness and limitation of Second life.
Rymaszewski, Wallace, Winters, Ondrejka, Batston & Cuningham (2007) stated that “We live in a world that is becoming more networked every day, and the internet has grown into an essential medium for communication, socialization, and creative expression. Virtual worlds like Second Life represents the future of human interaction in a globally networked world, and students who have grown up with the internet naturally swim in these waters”.
What is Second Life?
According to Wikipedia (2008), “Second life is an internet-based virtual world video game with a free downloadable client program called the second life viewer which enables its users, called “residents”, to interact with each other through motional avatars providing an advanced level of a social network.”
The most important definition among all the articles is provided by Stevens (2006); Second Life has advantages of using virtual worlds for different educational purposes. It has been accepted that our students have different perspectives and abilities to compare the learners’ idea (Prensky, 2001).
Second Life Can be a Tool for Second Language Learning
Most of the articles talking about what second life is a specific tools for language learning (Prensky, 2001; Gee, 2003; Dede et al, 2005 Stevens, 2001). However, second life is very new in education. Education can use by second life. It is a partnership with pedagogy and digital technology. If Second life effectively in education, it will be increased implements. It considers the technology alongside the educational opportunity. Second life has various elements available synchronous communication. Another example is by Delwiche (2006) addressed that Second life is a teaching and learning tool. Users can design problem solving tasks by using Second life. There are three dimensional modeling tools and their imaginations. Students can build their communities in Second life. Challenges question and problem solving can be created also. It is flexible tool that teachers can help students 24 hours a day.
Advantages of Second Life in an EFL English classroom.
As we mentioned above, education, benefits from face to face to virtual world environment. It is moving from ore perspectives method of learning, such as lectures towards problem solving. Our students can get more experience under the guidance of real world experts which is not available in a traditional campus settings. (John, 2007).
It identifies the following benefits of using second life for education. These benefits may be generalized to all virtual worlds. Good (2004, as cited in Bixler, 2007, P3).
1. The virtual space can be modeled to match your learning needs
2. You can look at what you want, whenever you want. There is no need to comb your hair your avatar’s hair is ever mussed, unless you want it that way!
3. Exploration and discovery are possible.
4. Diversity is increased, and many of the negative real-world issues are associated with lack of understanding of the importance of diversity is minimized. When it can appear as you wish, you used to see the surface of the individual.
Moreover, another reason for the success of second life is that Mayrath, Sanchez, Traphagan, Heikes,& Trivedi,(2007) that we do not need to have space; however, this service is often challenging when we design instructional activities for our students.
Effectiveness and Limitation of Second Life
In ten articles which are cited in this literature review, there are no articles note the disadvantages of using second life in second language teaching and learning. All articles have notes advantages of using second life to learn language.
Stevens (2007) reported that there are some interesting viewpoints in integrating technologies into language teaching and learning such as “not all effective language teachers are native speakers” and students “love to learn but hate to be taught”. As we have seen, it is very important to integrate technologies in our teaching. Peterson (2006) pointed it out that the effectiveness of second life is to use active worlds for language learning that students were able to accept different tasks by target language interaction and also employed transactional communication strategies. For example, “the learner interaction was influenced by the complex interaction of a number of variables including task type, sociolinguistic factors, context of use and the mixed of technical provided by active worlds” (Peterson, 2006)
Second life is not new technology. It is developing now. However so many researchers are concerned with technology. Therefore, it is time to carry out research to support second life which can be used effectively in L2 teaching and learning. As we have known, some universities are trying to create virtual course for students. Second life may be recommended to be as supporting teaching and learning tools for educational system. This paper is only introduced based information on second life. In the future research is needed to focus on the effective use of second life for teaching language in education.
Bixler, B. (2007). SL Educational possibilities: Second Life educational possibilities and
considerations. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from
Dede, C., Clarke, J., Ketelhut, D., Nelson, B., & Bowman, C. (2005). Fostering
motivation, learning, and transfer in multiuser virtual environments. Paper presented
at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Montreal.
Delwiche, A. (2006). Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) in the new media
classroom. Educational Technology & Society, 9(3), 160-172.
Gee, J. P. (2003). What videogames have to teach us about learning and literacy? New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Good, R. (2004). 3D virtual spaces for learning and collaboration. Retrievd July y
11, 2006
John. (2007). Best practices from the second life community convention education
track 2007. Paper presented at the community convention 2007, New York.
Mayrath, M., Sanchez, J., Traphagan, T.,Heikes, J.,& Trivedi, A.(2007).Using second life
in an English course:designing class activities to address learning objectives. On the
ED MEDIA .Retrieved 2007 from:
Peterson, M. (2006, February). Learner interaction management in an avatar and chat-
based virtual world. Computer Assisted Language Learning 19, 1: 79-103
Rymaszewski, M., Au, W.J., Wallace, M., Winters, C., Ondrejka, C., & Batstone-
Cunningham, B. (2007). Second Life: The official guide. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley
Stevens, V. (2006). Second Life in education and language learning. [Electronic version].
TESL-EJ, 10(3). Retrieved December 2, 2007 from
Presky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon 9. Retrieved
December 27, 2006 from:
Second LIfe
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